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your appreciation and gratitude journaling routine ⋆
This is a great meditation, inspired by the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza. In this meditation, we will be placing our attention on all of our eight energy centers (chakras) in a deeply relaxing and meditative way. We will start from the first center around our sexual organs area, going all the way up to the eighth one, the center above our head.
If you'd like to fall asleep while listening, then relax in lying down position. Lie down in a spread open star position, with no parts of you touching each other.
You can also use this as a sitting down/conscious/aware meditation. If so, sit up in a comfortable position, and tuck in your chin slightly, and close your eyes. Start by focusing on your third eye, then follow the guided meditation as it progresses from 1st chakra to the 8th chakra.
To know the details of this meditation, check out Dr. Dispenza's amazing book, Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon, you'll find the details of this meditation on Chapter 4: BLESSING OF THE ENERGY CENTERS
Wow, this is the most useful Youtube channel ever. Thank you so much for creating this. I wish God blesses you with everything that is pure, happy and everlasting blissfulness.
So powerful!
Absolutely beautiful! Love the process and how it looked like in the end ! Thanks for the share. Keep it up! Hope to see yah on my side too!
Thanks for your words. Really helpful to start the day.
They Helped me to see clear again. Hope you reach many people with it.
Thank you so much you are great. Please make more videos your videos help me so!
This is beautiful, incredible. Thank you so much!